Starting Your Online Business

Released on = December 8, 2005, 10:50 pm

Press Release Author = awwsum internet services

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = Online busisness are all the rage today everywher you look
someon is bragging about how much they make online.This paper address the positives
and negative of starting a business online, and help the reader to decide if such
an endeavor is really and avenue that he or she should travel

Press Release Body = Copyright Troy Pearsall

95% of all home business or businesses online fail! This is a staggering thought
especially for those that may be considering taking on a home business. When a
person takes on the responsibility of starting an online business, or any small
business online for that matter, he also resigns to give up his lifestyle has he or
she has heretofore known it.

The commitment it takes to become successful is greater then any commitment most
individuals may make in their lifetime. It is a commitment that must come from not
just the entrepreneur but also his/ her partner, children and family. Many sleepless
nights are spent at the computer trying to figure the missing ingredient that can
get the cash flowing to your business.

Of the 5% of successful online business owners not even one of them would change
their life, many are financially secure and for them making six figure incomes is
actually common place. But to start a business is difficult and for most the
emotional, physical and financial drain is just too much.

There are some real advantages to starting an online business. For one thing you,
and you alone make the decisions, failure and success is a by-product of the effort
that you put into the business. If you are smart in handling the business and things
go your way there is no limit to how much money you will make.

Since online businesses are normally run from home you will need less start up cash.
Things like a storefront, inventory and a physical location are not issues. There
will be no need to commute so the increase in gasoline and transportation cost will
be lower.

Working from home is not all peaches and cream, many of the same issues that we
addressed as advantages can also be a disadvantage. Yesterday I stayed at home
watching my granddaughter, and even though she was no trouble at all, I was utterly
amazed at how little work I got done with her here. However, I was able to spend all
day with my granddaughter something I think I failed to do enough with my own
children when they were young.

So as you can see it about what you are willing to give up to succeed, what are you
willing to do to express your creative side? That creative side of online businesses
can be a very rewarding thing. But are you willing to work harder and longer, so
you can play harder and with better toys?

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Contact Details = Troy C Pearsall

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